Upload: humanfile.gff

Quick preview of your data:

seqid source type start end score strand phase attributes
NC_000001.11 RefSeq region 1 248956422 . + . ID=id0;Dbxref=taxon:9606;Name=1;chromosome=1;gbkey=Src;genome=chromosome;mol_type=genomic DNA
NC_000001.11 BestRefSeq gene 11874 14403 . + . ID=gene0;Dbxref=GeneID:100287102,HGNC:HGNC:37102;Name=DDX11L1;description=DEAD/H-box helicase 11 like 1;gbkey=Gene;gene=DDX11L1;gene_biotype=misc_RNA;pseudo=true

1: We detected the following attributes:

  • File format: GFF3
  • Number of rows: 12,024

2: Dbxref

We need some help with these columns:

Double check we understood your file correctly or leave as-is if you're unsure.

In Gene rows, there are the following identifiers in Dbxref:

  • GeneID (e.g. 100287102) is a
  • Name (e.g. DDX11L1) is a
  • HGNC (e.g. HGNC:37102) is a